MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, are free courses offered over the web, accessible to anyone, anywhere. There are no formal application processes, no prerequisites and no formal academic credits. MOOCs provide instruction via tools like videos, computer and peer-graded homework, and quizzes and exams. Students often interact with peers in online discussion forums.
Jeff Schmitt of Poets & Quants recently published a summary of over twenty top business related MOOCs, which are starting between March 24th and May 1st, 2014:
Courses include
- Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies / University of Maryland
- Financial Analysis of Entrepreneurial Ideas / Babson College
- Better Leader / Richer Life / Wharton School of Business
- Introduction to Marketing / Wharton School of Business
- Introduction to Statistics: Probability / University of California-Berkeley
- Introduction to Public Speaking / University of Washington
To review all the courses on the list, please visit: