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By csylka on October 30, 2012
SpringerLink is a multidisciplinary database of full text publications published by Springer. It provides access to over 2,700 ejournals and more than 55,000 ebooks, as well as reference works, monographic series and lecture notes. Disciplines covered include Business & Economics, Mathematics & Statistics, Computer Science, Behavioral Science, and Professional & Applied Computing.There are over 5,000 […]
By csylka on July 19, 2012
The David Lam Library has subscribed to Warc (formerly the World Advertising Research Center), a marketing database. UBC researchers now have access to Advertising expenditure data from 80 global markets, a comparison of global media costs and ad spending forecasts for 12 key countries, as well as a wide range of media usage statistics and […]
By janwallace on May 16, 2012
The University of Minnesota has provided an online database of peer-reviewed, open textbooks. The textbooks are reviewed by instructors at UMinn at other universities. Open textbooks are complete textbooks released under a Creative Commons, or similar, license. Instructors can customize open textbooks to fit their course needs by remixing, editing, and adding their own content. Students can […]
By csylka on April 25, 2012
The David Lam Library recently subscribed to three years of access to three modules from McGraw-Hill’s ebook library Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management (30 titles) Finance & Investing (134 titles) Leadership & Management (99 titles) Many of the books are useful as introductory texts. Users can read full-text content online, as content cannot be downloaded. […]
By csylka on April 12, 2012
The main UBC Library Homepage provides access to library-wide services and collections, including the catalogue, online databases and journals, and many local digitization projects.UBC Library wants to ensure that students and researchers can use this page to easily find their way to relevant, high quality content. In order to improve its homepage design the Library […]
By csylka on March 15, 2012
Three new transportation-related research guides have been added to the David Lam Library website. David Lam librarians designed these guides to provide researchers and students with credible starting points for researching transportation related topics. The guides identify relevant books and media, article sources, databases, industry associations, government agencies, and scholarly resources. They also include tips […]
By lindsayu on February 21, 2012
Are you looking for additional ways to keep current with the latest literature in your field? Did you know that you can set up alerts within many resources available through the library that will notify you about new content in your research area? In support of Celebrate Research Week, the David Lam Library is offering […]
By lindsayu on February 16, 2012
UBC Library is running a trial of the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS): IBSS “includes over two million bibliographic references to journal articles and to books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. It is unique in its broad coverage of international material and incorporates over 100 languages and countries. Over 2,800 […]
By csylka on January 17, 2012
The David Lam Library recently purchased access to the Business Expert Press Digital Libraries e-book collection. This collection of over 150 practical and concise e-books on diverse business topics, such as supply and operations management, international business, social media, finance, accounting, public relations, and marketing strategy includes introductory textbooks for entry-level students, and numerous sources […]
By csylka on January 9, 2012
Films can be used effectively in classrooms to illustrate concepts, to spark debates and to frame discussions. UBC Library has recently purchased access to Films on Demand, a database of over 7,300 high quality streaming video titles suitable for both undergraduate and graduate level courses in a variety of disciplines within the arts, humanities, medicine, […]