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What they are saying 67

“This is super helpful [for my industry project]! Thank you. I tried several clues and links, and found them extremely useful.” – UBC Sauder Part-time MBA Student, June 2015

New in the David Lam Library: Alumni online access to business research

Did you know: Alumni have access to online business research through UBC Library ! This blog post from the Small Business Accelerator explains how to target the best business publications in Business Source Alumni Edition using your A-card: Business Research Resources for UBC Alumni

What they are saying 66

“We really appreciate your time and the help you’ve provided us. You have given us a clear direction when we were lost in the databases.” – UBC Sauder Master of Management Student, March 2015

What they are saying 65

“I believe the participants have benefited greatly from your coaching and all the useful information that can enhance their experience at the library.” UBC Sauder Executive Education Staff, January 2015