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Alumni Access to UBC Library Electronic Resources

We often get asked about Alumni Access to UBC Library Electronic Resources. Whether you are a UBC alum or a current student wondering about your future library resources access, here is some useful information: UBC Alumni with an authorized Campus-Wide Login (CWL) and UBC Alumni A-Card can get remote access to many of UBC Library’s electronic […]

What are they saying 94

“Wonderful – thanks very much – this is very helpful.” -OBHR Faculty, May 1, 2019

Celebrate Learning Week

Celebrate Learning Week (CLW) is a week-long initiative celebrating teaching and learning opportunities at UBC. It will take place April 29 – May 5, 2019. Events include open lectures, information sessions, student advising activities, poster sessions, workshops and more. This year we have several events focused on inclusive teaching. There are two panel discussions on […]

The Book of Kells on display

The Ridington Room in the Music, Art and Architecture (MAA) Library at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre has added a new permanent installation that will be of interest to anyone with a penchant for medieval illuminated manuscripts. The Book of Kells facsimile, which was acquired by UBC Library’s Rare Book & Special Collections in […]

What are they saying 93

“Thanks very much – I appreciate the pointers! The global surgical navigation software market report is particularly interesting.” -Mechanical Engineering Faculty, March 11, 2019

Statista trial

UBC Library has acquired access to Statista database for a month starting from February 14, 2019. Statista is a simple to use statistics portal that integrates statistics from thousands of sources, on topics related to business, media, public policy, health and others. Statistics can be exported in PPT, XLS, PDF, and PNG formats. Access includes: -Digital […]

Living wage in Canada

In a TED talk, Rutger Bregman mentioned a study conducted by researchers at Harvard, who found that financial stress affects people’s cognitive ability. The study found that people under financial stress performed about 14 IQ points lower than when under less stress. They committed more mistakes and presented slower responses. The effect on cognitive ability can be […]

What are they saying 92

“Thank you so much! This is very helpful!!” -Sauder staff, January 18, 2019