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Reference and Research
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By janwallace on September 30, 2013
Thomson’s Worldscope database has been added to our corporate financial subscriptions. Worldscope offers fundamental data on the world’s leading public and private companies, including annual and interim/quarterly data, detailed historical financial statement content, per share data, calculated ratios, pricing and textual information. Components include: Full constituent coverage of the major benchmark indexes worldwide; as reported […]
By janwallace on September 30, 2013
The Social Science Research Network ( disseminates scholarly papers in the social sciences and provides an abstracting service which sends out announcements of new papers, typically long before they are published. is a premier venue for business faculty research, and contains many working papers published at the Sauder School of Business. One database subscribed to […]
By janwallace on September 3, 2013
Effective today, the University of British Columbia has access to the KLD (STATS) dataset from MSCI, via WRDS. STATS, originally created by KLD Research, is a time series database of ESG ratings covering over two dozen datapoints. It has been updated annually since 1991 and is delivered to clients in Excel format. Company coverage initially included […]
By janwallace on August 21, 2013
According to a new report in IbisWorld, a proprietary database subscribed to by the David Lam Library, demand for forensic accountants has surged in recent years, driving the growth of jobs, companies and opportunities within the industry. Spurred by financial reform following scandals such as WorldCom and Enron, the industry will prosper even during periods of […]
By janwallace on August 16, 2013
Two streaming video databases are available to Sauder School instructors for use in preparing courses. Films on Demand is a multidisciplinary database of videos on various topics including business. Instructors can create playlists, easily clip segments from longer videos, embed those segments in Connect, show segments in class, create persistent links, etc. VAST is Alexander […]
By janwallace on August 16, 2013
A trial has been arranged by a Sauder faculty member to the WRDS SEC Analytics Suite via WRDS. WRDS SEC Analytics Suite simplifies research by allowing researchers to quickly and easily develop tailored datasets from all SEC filings, parsing millions of regulatory reports based on custom criteria. WRDS SEC Analytics Suite is positioned for broad business […]
By janwallace on August 16, 2013
This fall, graduate students will be able to receive one-on-one consultations and workshops related to statistical software support. The UBC Library has equipped Koerner 217 with Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) software on all workstations, which allows the new services to be rolled out beginning in the fall term. Details of workshops and one-on-one […]
By janwallace on May 16, 2012
The University of Minnesota has provided an online database of peer-reviewed, open textbooks. The textbooks are reviewed by instructors at UMinn at other universities. Open textbooks are complete textbooks released under a Creative Commons, or similar, license. Instructors can customize open textbooks to fit their course needs by remixing, editing, and adding their own content. Students can […]
By janwallace on November 10, 2011
According to the US-based National Association of Colleges and Employers’ Job Outlook 2012 survey, employers value teamwork, verbal communication skills, decision-making and problem-solving, and the ability to obtain and process information the most highly of their top ten desired traits. Surprisingly, the ability to create and edit written reports, and the ability to sell or […]
By janwallace on November 4, 2011
The David Lam Management Research Library and the UBC Okanagan Library have jointly purchased access to a series of corporate and accounting data for publicly listed companies in China. The China Stock Market & Accounting Research Database provides data on the China stock markets and the financial statements of China’s listed companies. Newly added data […]