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Reference and Research
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Today's Hours: 9am - 9pm
Reference and Research
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Head, David Lam Library and Canaccord Learning Commons
By janwallace on October 3, 2011
The Canaccord Learning Commons is producing a weekly video series, titled “This Week at Sauder.” The series is produced by and for Sauder students, and describes upcoming events and activities such as clubs, speakers, yoga sessions and career nights.
By janwallace on September 20, 2011
Legendary policewoman, crisis negotiator and inspirational speaker Linda Stewart shares her remarkable stories from the streets of Vancouver on Wednesday, September 28 at 5:30 pm. Linda, former police constable who is now an instructor at the Justice Institute of British Columbia, is well-known within the police community for her compassionate and caring approach to young […]
By janwallace on September 15, 2011
David Lam Library is hosting an information session on copyright guidelines for Sauder faculty, instructors, researchers and staff on Tuesday, September 27th from 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. in the Canaccord and Peter M. Brown Amphitheatre (DL 125). Joy Kirchner, UBC Library’s Scholarly Communications Coordinator, is the guest speaker and has presented several workshops on […]
By janwallace on August 26, 2011
A new study at Illinois Academic Libraries studied college students’ reasons for not approaching academic librarians for help in finding information. According to the study authors, students’ research habits are worse than librarians have realized. Problems include over-reliance on Google, misunderstanding of search logic, and preference for simple databases over scholarly ones. Whose fault is […]
By janwallace on August 2, 2011
Although the library and learning commons are quiet during August, Lam librarians are working hard to prepare and update their instructional sessions for fall. Upcoming classes and orientations that we are currently working on include the MBA Precore, The MBA Core, the JumpStart orientation for international students, the Early Career Master’s orientation, and the MBA […]
By janwallace on July 28, 2011
Freedonia Focus, a market research database subscribed to by the UBC Library, is adding considerable international content over the next year. Freedonia content has traditionally been US-focused. New country reports will cover 14 countries including Canada, China, India and Brazil. Access Freedonia Focus here.
By janwallace on July 22, 2011
The David Lam Management Research has published a new research guide on Health Care Administration, for use by MBA and EMBA students at the Sauder School of Business who are researching topics related to business plans, marketing, operations, efficiency, purchasing, etc. in the healthcare industry.
By janwallace on July 6, 2011
New full-text, downloadable, academic, business books are being added each month to Palgrave Connect’s 2011 Business & Management Collection. Palgrave employs permissive Digital Rights Management, which allows authorized users to download ebook content without any physical restrictions. Books in this collection can also be downloaded in EPUB format, which is compatible with most reading devices, […]
By janwallace on May 26, 2011
We currently have two trials running of databases with market research content for business planning: EBSCO’s Entrepreneurial Studies Source offers users full text for more than 125 key periodicals, 135 reference books, numerous case studies, thousands of company profiles and over 600 videos with transcripts and related articles Proquest Entrepreneur includes scholarly journals, […]
By janwallace on May 6, 2011
UBC Library users have trial access during May to two streaming video collections from the Alexander Street Press, an electronic publisher of award-winning online collections in the humanities and social sciences. Filmakers Online Library ( is an award-winning, cross-disciplinary collection of over 913 global documentaries, covering race and gender studies, human rights, globalization and global studies, multiculturalism, international relations, criminal justice, […]