
UBC Library’s Chung Collection is added to the Canadian Commission for UNESCO’s Canada Memory of the World Register

BC Library’s Chung Collection has been added to the Canadian Commission for UNESCO’s Canada Memory of the World Register in recognition of its historical value. Showcasing the most significant documents of our heritage, UNESCO’s Memory of the World program is an international initiative launched to safeguard the documentary heritage of humanity against collective amnesia, neglect, the […]

IBISWorld database add-ons for 2019/2020 year

As part of our renewal of the IBISWorld database, UBC will have access to a new set of industry reports: the US NAICS Specialized Collection. An additional module has been obtained for the next year (until June 10, 2020). This is the Ontario Provincial Industry Reports. The US Specialized Industry Database is a collection of […]

Alumni Access to UBC Library Electronic Resources

We often get asked about Alumni Access to UBC Library Electronic Resources. Whether you are a UBC alum or a current student wondering about your future library resources access, here is some useful information: UBC Alumni with an authorized Campus-Wide Login (CWL) and UBC Alumni A-Card can get remote access to many of UBC Library’s electronic […]

Celebrate Learning Week

Celebrate Learning Week (CLW) is a week-long initiative celebrating teaching and learning opportunities at UBC. It will take place April 29 – May 5, 2019. Events include open lectures, information sessions, student advising activities, poster sessions, workshops and more. This year we have several events focused on inclusive teaching. There are two panel discussions on […]

The Book of Kells on display

The Ridington Room in the Music, Art and Architecture (MAA) Library at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre has added a new permanent installation that will be of interest to anyone with a penchant for medieval illuminated manuscripts. The Book of Kells facsimile, which was acquired by UBC Library’s Rare Book & Special Collections in […]

Living wage in Canada

In a TED talk, Rutger Bregman mentioned a study conducted by researchers at Harvard, who found that financial stress affects people’s cognitive ability. The study found that people under financial stress performed about 14 IQ points lower than when under less stress. They committed more mistakes and presented slower responses. The effect on cognitive ability can be […]

Holiday Library Closure

David Lam Library and the Canaccord Learning Commons will be closed for the holidays from Saturday, December 22, 2018 to Tuesday, January 1, 2019. The space will reopen at 8:30 am on Wednesday, January 2. In the meantime, please visit library.ubc.ca to make alternative plans. Librarians including Irena and Kimberly will be available for online research […]