
Statistical Support for Grad Students

This fall, graduate students will be able to receive one-on-one consultations and workshops related to statistical software support. The UBC Library has equipped Koerner 217 with Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) software on all workstations, which allows the new services to be rolled out beginning in the fall term. Details of workshops and one-on-one […]

Database Trials: Mergent Online and Mint Global

Sauder School researchers and students have trial access for the next month to two important databases of international public and private company information. Mergent Online provides access to comprehensive business and financial information on public and private companies worldwide. Researchers can display and download up to fifteen years of detailed financial information for public companies, […]

UBC Library Home Page Design Survey

The main UBC Library Homepage provides access to library-wide services and collections, including the catalogue, online databases and journals, and many local digitization projects.UBC Library wants to ensure that students and researchers can use this page to easily find their way to relevant, high quality content.  In order to improve its homepage design the Library […]

Three new transportation-related research guides

Three new transportation-related research guides have been added to the David Lam Library website. David Lam librarians designed these guides to provide researchers and students with credible starting points for researching transportation related topics. The guides identify relevant books and media, article sources, databases, industry associations, government agencies, and scholarly resources.  They also include tips […]

Business Expert Press collection

The David Lam Library recently purchased access to the Business Expert Press Digital Libraries e-book collection. This collection of over 150 practical and concise e-books on diverse business topics, such as supply and operations management, international business, social media, finance, accounting, public relations, and marketing strategy includes introductory textbooks for entry-level students, and numerous sources […]

Films on Demand: a database of high-quality streaming videos now available

Films can be used effectively in classrooms to illustrate concepts, to spark debates and to frame discussions. UBC Library has recently purchased access to Films on Demand, a database of over 7,300 high quality streaming video titles suitable for both undergraduate and graduate level courses in a variety of disciplines within the arts, humanities, medicine, […]

Weekly video launched – This Week at Sauder

The Canaccord Learning Commons is producing a weekly video series, titled “This Week at Sauder.” The series is produced by and for Sauder students, and describes upcoming events and activities such as clubs, speakers, yoga sessions and career nights.

What Students Don’t Know

A new study at Illinois Academic Libraries studied college students’ reasons for not approaching academic librarians for help in finding information. According to the study authors, students’ research habits are worse than librarians have realized. Problems include over-reliance on Google, misunderstanding of search logic, and preference for simple databases over scholarly ones. Whose fault is […]