Spotlight on SpringerLink

SpringerLink is a multidisciplinary database of full text publications published by Springer. It provides access to over 2,700 ejournals  and more than 55,000 ebooks, as well as reference works, monographic series and lecture notes. Disciplines covered include Business & Economics, Mathematics & Statistics, Computer Science, Behavioral Science, and Professional & Applied Computing.There are over 5,000 full-text ebooks in the Business & Management collection.

The University of British Columbia Library is one of 21 institutions chosen to participate in Springer’s MyCopy pilot project, a print-on-demand service that allows UBC’s currently registered students and faculty to order a soft cover print copy of an ebook the Library has already purchased from Springer. The copy is to be used by the patron for personal use.The cost for an individual title is $24.95 USD (plus gst and pst, including shipping and handling).

Over 20,000 Springer titles published since 2005 are available for order through the MyCopy project. UBC researchers can find Springer titles through the library catalogue, via the library’s SpringerLink information page and directly from the SpringerLink website. Please visit SpringerLink’s website for more information on MyCopy, as well as for detailed instructions on ordering titles.

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