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By irena trebic on July 29, 2016
Are you looking for some great business literature to read this summer? You’re in luck because David Lam Library has just developed a list of 10 business books to read this summer! They can all be found in the Great Reads section of the library, inside the Canaccord Learning Commons. We also wanted to […]
By irena trebic on July 25, 2016
“Wow! I am so happy I can access all these tools for free. This is like a dream !” – Summer program exchange student from South America, July 2016
By irena trebic on July 20, 2016
“Many thanks for putting together a fantastic list of resources – these were really helpful and I truly appreciate your effort!” – Faculty member, July 2016
By irena trebic on July 18, 2016
David Lam Library is very excited to announce that we have started a small (but growing!) fiction collection. We encourage you to come to the library and borrow one of our fun new fiction books for your summer reading enjoyment. The topics range from Anton Chekhov’s early stories, the struggles of a boy living in Poland during the […]
By irena trebic on July 18, 2016
“Thank you so much for all your help. I found all the information I was looking for. This is fantastic!” – PT-MBA student, July 2016
By irena trebic on July 4, 2016
We invite you to join us for the third annual TecExpo 2016 to learn about new and emerging ways of teaching and learning which will be taking place on July 6th and 7th in the Scarfe building foyer at 2125 Main Mall. The Technology Enhanced Classroom (TEC) Expo showcases creative and innovative uses of technology […]