Congratulations to Irena Trebic, Reference Librarian, who presented her research poster “Harry Potter and the academic business library” at the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) conference in Baltimore, MD on March 23, 2017. This research poster provides a summary of a partnership between David Lam Library, Chapman Learning Commons and Rare Books and Special Collections that produced a multi-branch exhibit illustrating connections between the Harry Potter series and Vancouver’s local business community. The poster outlines David Lam Library’s/CLC’s strategies of engaging users, illustrating thematic connections and soliciting feedback from students via a survey about changes in user perceptions. In addition to the exhibitions, UBC Library also hosted a Colloquium and two Halloween parties. Irena received noted positive feedback and votes for the quality of the poster. A thank you to Chelsea Shriver for her support with this project. The poster is available in cIRcle, UBC’s digital repository.
Irena also created a Harry Potter at David Lam Library research guide which summarizes the exhibition and related events in addition to providing links to relevant library books, ebooks, databases, journals, and theses.