Curious about commercial brewing in B.C .? BC historian, Greg Evans, used UBC Library’s B.C. Digital newspapers archive to research and write his two-volume history of the commercial brewing industry in British Columbia. Evans’ work involved researching the 163 newspapers currently available through the archive for mentions of beer, brewing and pivotal figures within the industry in articles and advertisements. The archive has also allowed Evans to analyze the enormous impact of prohibition on B.C. brewing’s history. Read more about his process here.
If you’re interested in investing in the brewing industry, check out the resources identified in DLAM/CLC’s Food and Beverage Product Industries research guide ( or the Small Business Accelerator’s Craft Brewery Guide ( Through these sources, you can get access to industrywide financials, current trends and the state of the industry. You can also search in UBC Library’s catalogue to find more books on the industry and some of its key players, as well as annual reports and collective agreements. If you need help researching this or any other industry, drop by the research consultation desk in the David Lam Library and Canaccord Learning Commons between 1:00pm-4:00pm, Monday to Friday.