UBC classes are returning to in-person instruction starting Monday, February 7th. David Lam Library and other UBC library branches have been open to our community throughout January.
We are currently offering a hybrid research help model which consists of both in-person and Zoom drop-in reference support. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we are offering online Zoom research help. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, we are offering in person research help. Both models are available from 1pm to 4pm. There is no need for students to book appointments ahead of time, since this is a drop-in model.
Drop by our Zoom meeting room anytime from 1pm to 4pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays to get live research help from a professional business librarian.
For Zoom, join via browser in 4 easy steps:
1. Go to zoom.us/join
2. Enter Meeting ID: 604-822-9400
3. Passcode: 164492
4. Click Join
Or you can just click on this Link to access our Zoom drop in Research Help on Tue/Thu afternoons and speak with one of our friendly business librarians.