Earth Day, held annually on April 22nd, is a global event dedicated to supporting environmental protection. Originating in 1970 with 20 million Americans rallying for environmental sustainability, it led to the establishment of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and key environmental legislation. By 1990, Earth Day had become a global movement, mobilizing 200 million people across 141 countries. Today, Earth Day is coordinated globally by EarthDay.org and engages over 1 billion individuals from more than 193 countries in various environmental initiatives.
Check out some fun Earth Day quizzes to see how much you know (or need to learn about!) topics such as clean energy, sustainable fashion, plastics impact, or even bees and fish!
David Lam Library has also selected books for our new upcoming Earth Day display within the library.
Book Lists:
- Governing for sustainability / edited by John C. Dernbach and Scott E. Schang.
Small farm republic : why conservatives must embrace local agriculture, reject climate alarmism, and lead an environmental revival / John Klar ; foreword by Joel Salatin. - The economics and business of sustainability / Peter N. Nemetz.
- Can business save the Earth? : innovating our way to sustainability / Michael Lenox and Aaron Chatterji.
- Waste / Kate O’Neill.
- Luschiim’s plants : traditional Indigenous foods, materials and medicines / Dr. Luschiim Arvid Charlie and Nancy J. Turner.
- Clan and tribal perspectives on social, economic and environmental sustainability : Indigenous stories from around the globe / edited by James C. Spee, Adela J. McMurray, Mark D. McMillan.
- Climate shock : the economic consequences of a hotter planet / Gernot Wagner and Martin L. Weitzman.
- Science for a Green New Deal : connecting climate, economics, and social justice / Eric A. Davidson.
- Climate finance : theory and practice / Anil Markandya, Ibon Galarraga, Dirk Rubbelke
- The uninhabitable earth : life after warming / David Wallace-Wells.
- Sustainable and Green Supply Chains and Logistics Case Study Collection / edited by Ozlem Bak.
- Business schools, leadership and sustainable development goals : the future of responsible management education / edited by Lars Moratis and Frans Melissen.
Events in Lower Mainland:
UBC Farm pop-up market
April 20, 2024
Land, Sea, Sky: Celebrate Earth Day at Vanier Park
April 20, 2024
Earth Day in Stanley Park
April 20, 2024
BC’s largest Earth Day celebration
April 27, 2024
Earth Day Events in New Westminster
April 13 – 27