UBC Library Digital Initiatives creates COVID-19 web archives to document pandemic response in British Columbia

When the COVID-19 outbreak began in March 2020, UBC Library’s Digital Initiatives team started creating web archives to preserve materials relating to the COVID-19 pandemic response in British Columbia for future research. Librarians Larissa Ringham and Susan Paterson were able to move quickly to start capturing materials directly related to COVID-19. That first COVID-19 collection became […]

Library’s new Online Fines Payment System

UBC Library has a new Online Fines Payment System (paynow.library.ubc.ca), launched on Monday, July 26, 2021, which simplifies the process of fine payments for library users. All UBC Library cardholders can now log into the new system using their Campus-Wide Login (CWL) or their UBCcard Library Barcode and PIN. Inactive library users will also be […]

Finance labs computer profiles

The IT team has been deleting the profiles on the lab computers (Wayne Deans Investment Analysis Centre and Leith Wheeler Investment Research Lab) on a regular basis. This will not affect the access or use of the computers; however, this will delete all the saved work on these computers. Please do not save any work […]

Introducing OpenAthens, UBC Library’s new secure way to access online resources using CWL

Following a year of hard work, UBC Library has announced the launch of OpenAthens on June 2, 2021.  OpenAthens is a secure login service for digital, licensed resources (books, journals, media, data). Library users now have the option of securely logging in from anywhere using OpenAthens via the library web site and library-managed URLs or […]

Klondike Gold Rush donation

UBC alumnus and Canadian telecommunications icon, Philip B. Lind, CM, has donated the Phil Lind Klondike Gold Rush Collection to UBC Library. This is an unparalleled rare book and archival collection, dating from the Klondike Gold Rush (1894–1904). This collection is a cultural property of outstanding significance and consists of books, maps, letters and photos […]

What are they saying 102

“Awesome thanks. Truly appreciate the quick turn around on this” -Sauder OBHR Faculty, April 2021

What are they saying 101

“Librarians are the kindest and most helpful people on the planet” -FT MBA student, February 2020