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Sauder Faculty publications

Are you curious what our Sauder Faculty has been publishing about. There are a few ways to find this information. If you are curious about a particular researcher or department, take a look at the Sauder publications website at This site is updated regularly with new publications constantly being added. In addition to this […]

New Databases at David Lam Library

During the 2017/2018 academic year, David Lam Library added several new databases to its collection. We invite you to check out the databases below which can be accessed through the library website. Databases Acquired: BCC Research CB Insights  – 1 year subscription (November 2018 to November 2019) Mergent FISD  – 1 year subscription (January 5, […]

International Women’s Day

In honour of International Women’s Day today, we invite you to check out some of the very recent outstanding achievements by our female UBC Sauder students, alumni and faculty, for example: Current BComm students, Kella Chan, Trixie Hernandez and Tessa Yin recently placed first in a North American case competition organized by global consumer goods giant, […]

UBC Sauder Faculty publications in 2017

Would you like to find out what UBC Sauder Faculty are publishing about? Did you know that our Sauder Faculty published over 100 papers in 2017? To access these publications, take a look at the Sauder School of Business Faculty Publications webpage on the David Lam Library website. You can search by author name, keyword, Sauder Division, […]

New database: Mergent Fixed Income Securities Database (FISD)

We have some great news for our Finance faculty and students (and anyone else interested in Finance): David Lam Library has purchased 1 year of access to Mergent Fixed Income Securities Database (FISD). FISD will be available from January 5, 2018 to January, 2019, via the WRDS platform. Mergent FISD is a comprehensive database of […]

Hallowe’en Haunted Patio

Connie Flook, our CLC Program Assistant  organized an incredible Hallowe’en Haunted Patio at David Lam Library yesterday. The event took place on our second floor patio from 12-2 pm and was attended by over 100 people. In addition to renting out a fog machine and a large tent in case it rains, the event had 5 exciting stations […]

BC Business Librarians’ Meeting

David Lam librarian Irena Trebic was pleased to host 16 business librarians across the province on October 23, 2017 at the BC Business Librarians’ Meeting which took place at UBC Robson Square. In addition to having an EBSCO representative demonstrate the difference between Business Source Complete and Business Source Ultimate, there were many exciting demos about […]