
Pitchbook Login Issues

Pitchbook Login Issues

Users of Pitchbook database may see some login issues or an “Invalid IP” error. To successfully login, make sure: If you already have an account and are denied login (e.g. “Access not authorized” or “Account Expired”), your account may have expired. Please create a new account using your same UBC email and your account will […]

Black History Month

February is Black History Month, an opportunity for a focused, intentional and elevated reflection and recognition of Black history and achievement. Each year, Black History Month is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of Black communities in Canada, listen to their stories, and learn more about their history and contributions to Canadian society. For 2025, […]

Academic Integrity Week

Join us for our second annual Academic Integrity Week, October 17-21, as we work to promote academic integrity at UBC and beyond. Academic Integrity Week will feature a range of events such as workshops, presentations, and an AMS information booth aimed at sparking conversation and raising awareness of the importance of academic integrity. Academic Integrity […]

Indigenous History Month

June commemorates Indigenous History Month in Canada. The month encourages people to learn about, appreciate and acknowledge the rich history, heritage, resilience, contributions and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples across the country. Join us for UBC Events on campus honoring Indigenous History Month: June 4, 2022 | 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. – […]

Resources reflecting the growth of green industries

Last week, we shared some book recommendations related to climate change, as part of celebrating Science Literacy Week.  I wanted to add some resources that reflect the growth of green industries, both from UBC library databased as well as Open Access Resources. UBC Library Databases: BCC Research Green Industries – many reports on hydrogen, fuel […]

UBC Libraries reopen September 7, 2021

All UBC Library branches on the UBC Vancouver campus will reopen September 7, 2021. This includes Sauder’s David Lam Library. The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre remains open throughout August to students, faculty, staff and community members. For the most up to date information of hours for different branches, please check out Hours and Locations […]

Library’s new Online Fines Payment System

UBC Library has a new Online Fines Payment System (paynow.library.ubc.ca), launched on Monday, July 26, 2021, which simplifies the process of fine payments for library users. All UBC Library cardholders can now log into the new system using their Campus-Wide Login (CWL) or their UBCcard Library Barcode and PIN. Inactive library users will also be […]

Introducing OpenAthens, UBC Library’s new secure way to access online resources using CWL

Following a year of hard work, UBC Library has announced the launch of OpenAthens on June 2, 2021.  OpenAthens is a secure login service for digital, licensed resources (books, journals, media, data). Library users now have the option of securely logging in from anywhere using OpenAthens via the library web site and library-managed URLs or […]