On July 6, 2020, UBC Library launched an on-campus materials pick-up service to enable library users to access items in the collection that are not available in electronic formats. This materials pickup service is available for current UBC students, faculty and staff only during the physical closure of UBC Library branches. Users can request a maximum of 10 items per week.
Materials can be ordered by selecting the “Get it” option in the record of the item in the library catalogue. Users first click on title of the desired material from the library catalogue, and then, on the right-hand side, under Actions, they will find the Get it link. Clicking onto the Get It link will prompt users to login to their CWL library account to request the item, or a digital copy of an article or chapter.
Requests will be processed within 7 business days, held for up to two weeks, and made available for pick-up at Koerner Library, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Library users will be notified that their items are available for pick-up by email. Scanned items (such as chapters or articles) are subject to the same processing time and will be emailed to the requestor.
Interlibrary Loan Requests:
The COVID-19 health event is impacting the ability of Interlibrary Loans to fill your requests. Numerous libraries are closed or are closing. In other cases, staff are working remotely and can only fill requests from electronic resources.
- Book and other physical items – Some libraries are accessing their print collections. If ILL cannot fill your request, you will be contacted about next steps.
- Articles – Many libraries are only accessing their electronic collections. Some libraries now have access to their print collections. We will make every effort to fill your copy requests but may not be able to do so if the journal or book is only available in print.
Thank you for your understanding.